More Dance Training

Fun and Stylish Swing Dancing 

Wednesdays 7:30-8:15pm 1st & 2nd Wednesdays each month
$8 per person or $15 per couple - Get Special Discounts for On-line Purchase

The most popular Swing step combinations and best styling

This class is suitable for beginners or any dancers who want improved movement, style, and partnering skills.   You can come alone or with a partner or friend.

We teach "the right stuff" including
... Brief explanation of musical count & rhythm
... Brief coverage of dance holds for Swing dancing
... Basic movements and step combinations of Swing with clear explanation of proper body actions, connection with partner, and styling issues. 

4 to 8 class sessions will prepare most students for more advanced classes but advanced dancers continue to participate in these classes to stay conditioned and to keep their fundamental movements and partnering skills sharp.

This class is also a great opportunity for any dancers to review, practice and improve the fundamental skills that produce attractive dance actions.

Advanced dancers work several hours every week on the movements and exercises covered in these classes. They understand that their success comes from continuing improvement of fundamental skills for movement and connection.